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Change Your Life, Change the World

Change Your Life, Change the World

Change, Your, Life, Change, the World

If I could erase everything you think you know, your life would change completely. For thousands of years, our lives were falsehoods; how to live, how to think, how to be, how to learn, how to love, how to eat, climate, and the list continues. If you want your life and change the world change starts with you. It does not start with someone else, not even the president ... that starts with you.

The only important person in your life you. Our lessons were outright lies. For example, if you take care of yourself, then you are selfish. Remember this; all rules are configured to remain in fear, so that the powers that be excluded that as puppets and make billions of dollars. The only difference is now more and more people are waking up to the fact that is not true. In all cases, the law of attraction is what you think, you create for yourself to think positive and create positive, negative thought generates negative. It's that simple. Whatever you believe, you bring yourself to show that you are correct in their belief.

If you could just for a moment, looking at the people around you. All these people walking this planet are your mirror. That's all they are. We are not separated and made us believe, but interconnected. The race is an illusion and religion is not of God. Why did God remove all children from religion? Why did God judge others? Why God sent Jesus, his son, to earth to be crucified and die for your sins? Why even believe it? I can only assume you do because it's your way to free all responsibility for their own behavior. Our education has taught us to look outside ourselves for help when all you ever needed or necessary lies within your own heart.

Right now you may be thinking: .. "Well, if what you say is true, what are we doing" Actually, it is very easy You must first love yourself unconditionally, have been conditioned to do not like us. That way we can spend money to make us better. We can buy makeup, plastic surgery, diet, driving nice cars, own a home, etc. Fantasy enter credit card debt that makes money from financial institutions and hope to be late in payments to give them an excuse to increase your interest rate. Do you notice a pattern? What, about our education system is and tells you that they are broke? After school most of his life promised a career that pays well? All you've done is spent half his life in school learning can not get anywhere. In this way, you can go to college, get a lot of courses that do not need, just to graduate and earn money. How many of you actually graduated and got a job that pays a decent amount of money? The key here is money. Life is based on money; have, get, fly, fly, for money. I could go on and on but I'll stop here and show you the steps to start changing your life that changes the world.

You heal first

Law of attraction

Life is the reflection in the mirror

Love your body and your body wants you back

I love you unconditionally

Think positive thoughts only

The output of the fear (false evidence appearing real)

Love is our religion

It makes a

We are in touch with everyone and everything

Nature is your medicine ... nature walk and ask to be healed.

There is no death, we are in the light and energy

God does not judge

Love is what this world is. It is the energy that permeates our planet. He not only romantic love, but the love of self, love of others, love of nature and animals

First you need to heal yourself first. Everything comes from you. You have the power to create what you want and need. Only God is in charge, which means that if you do not get what you think you need then God has a better plan for you. Everything in life is positive. All you need to do is change your thoughts to truths; love unconditionally to attract others to love unconditionally. Everyone is reflected in a mirror. If someone challenges you anyway, they show you what you have to change yourself. Step back into the challenge and thank that person to show yourself. In judging others, judging you. When others are in you, they tell you you're not honest with yourself. If someone is cheating on you, you cheat on something. Does the photo? Life is your school. Others are teachers. God is the provider of their money and labor is only a channel for money. If you are in a job you hate, it's time to go. If you do not leave, you will get sick or be fired. Being fired from his job God is forcing you find yourself doing what you love. Find your passions; what it makes your heart sing.

We always guided and never alone. Because free not guide you unless prompted. We came here with guides who are waiting to help, just ask. Each of us has our own truths to live. Your answers are in your heart, not your mind. Enter your heart, and be your guide. If you hear something that creates anger in you, then it is not your truth.

Another note, I would add is the collective consciousness ... our thoughts are our collective energy. When we love one another as ourselves, the world changes in an instant. If we release the fear and control collectively, the disease disappears and our weather patterns change. By changing your thoughts by releasing negative to positive, so you thousands of other changes.

Follow your heart be your guide. Ask receive. Release fear, ego and control and let God. Turn off the news that his only goal is to fill you with falsehoods and lies to remain in fear.

Remember, it all starts with you. If you are not satisfied with your life, you know what to do.

Http:// spiritual healer

Reiki energy healer

Author on How to get out of fear and reclaim your life

Psychic, intuitive, messenger of God

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