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Do you actually suffer from this problem? And do you find it difficult to find a solution to it? Usually consist odors in shoes as a result of wearing them for a long period of time, in addition to sweating, which leads to the growth of bacteria between the fingers of the two men, and moves them to the shoe, causing annoying odors, and to ensure that the shoes are clean prefer to use some of the following materials:

Albekeanj soda or baking soda

Advised to spray the right amount of powder Albekeanj soda in the shoe for the night after take off the shoe, and leave it until the morning, with the need to get rid of the remnants of pre-worn, so that helps greatly to absorb odor and prevent them from appearing.

Cedar or Alsadar

Contains anti-fungal properties that can effectively remove odors, by placing a piece of wood or rice Alsadar in the shoe along with the stench of the night, and remove it in the morning, before worn.
Boot freeze

By placing the shoe in a plastic bag, with the creation of some small holes, and put it in the freezer, during the night, the cold to kill fungi and bacteria, causing odor.


To keep the shoe from Alrhaúh be unpleasant, recommended to put the appropriate amount of salt in it for the duration of the night, and then get rid of it in the morning when worn.

Apple cider vinegar

You can use this method to be effective in the rapid disposal of the stench, by dipping a cloth in apple cider vinegar, and rub well inside the shoe, and left in the sun for 10 minutes.

Moth balls

To remove odors from shoes advised to put a ball or two of moth balls, or Alnaftlin, during the night, and removed in the morning.


Crystals of coal used to get rid of the bad smell of shoes, and it stores it in a plastic bag with her for an hour.
