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Working mothers. by Sarah, &saraxarin

Working, mothers

Working mothers

There are many reasons and motives that mothers are forced to disembark from home to work and leave their children to a nanny or in custody, but the suffering and the remaining one is the sense of guilt and failure to meet the needs of their children. Therefore a working mother forced to redouble their efforts to compensate for her children deprived of their existence, and this is what makes the mother in a permanent preoccupation.

And the lack of help the father or the lack thereof in some cases, remain homework responsibilities of women, located on her shoulder a great responsibility may make it, but many preoccupations, cancel Dictionary of her personal interests.

And recent studies have shown that a British mother may reap more than thirty thousand pounds a year, if overcharged paid for household tasks and family you make. And based on these studies to the minimum wage in Britain, which is £ 6.31 per hour.

The average hours of work at the British mother about 88 hours per week, including 27 hours in the paid work outside, take a vacation while three and a half days per year of family duties.

Multiple tasks

It also conducted a publishing company "Barghon" referendum among the mothers asked the mother of two thousand, about their duties Ktahih home, and cleaned, and the nanny and other functions, and show that the annual gain for these tasks has up to 31.216 pounds. This total includes a weekly salary of up to £ 111 as an educator 0.16 £ Kmenzfah, £ 28 and a driver.

And emphasizes Arab woman living in London, did not disclose her name, that the difficulties of life and cost of living, they had to go out to work. She says that "to live in a country other than your country is difficult for women to go out to work, and this increases the responsibilities of the direction of the family. On my original where I can rely on my family and my mother or my sister to help me in the children instead enrolled in nursery or search for a nanny"

The problem posed by this lady describes the suffering of the working mother about child care during the period of their work, especially that Britain is experiencing a severe cost in the cost of child care.

In a report for "household management and child care" in Britain shows that British households may spend in the care of one child in the nursery or clubs devoted time after school the equivalent of £ 7.549 per year.

The state provides aid kit in the UK to low-income families that can benefit from working women to reduce the hours of work outside the home.

These include Almsaadat monthly payments, such as "Child Benefit" which offers each month to parents, provided that the family income does not exceed 50 thousand pounds sterling. If the person responsible for the child and at least one, and his annual salary is low, and if it pays for the care of one or more children could receive tax breaks to help care costs.

There is also a "bonus-bearing," a down payment to the mother of the state worth £ 500 to assist in the costs of having the first child, and this is in addition to "leave procreation," a 52-week paid leave from the party operator for pregnant women, so that you get two or four weeks before the birth and the rest later.

And describes a competent psychological: the mothers to "leave work problems for a moment to get out of the workplace and to concentrate on their children after that." It also confirmed that it "does not matter the amount of time you spend with the mother of their children as important as its quality."
