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Tips to lose weight without diet....... by Sarah, &saraxarin

If you need to lose weight but do not follow a diet?? In order to utilize your weight loss during the week and not a diet you follow the tips below ...
-Make sure to follow these tips:

1. make sure you eat at least 8 glasses a day 2 cups water on an empty stomach and 2 before bed and before each meal.

2. make sure the movement and daily walk for an hour.

3. stop eating 4 hours before sleep, and make sure to sleep healthy sleep 7-9 hours a day.

4. make sure to rest your body and mind, calm helps prevent hormone "koristol" which is produced by the body when you feel tension pushes the body to store fat.

5 – make sure to eat slowly to signal satiety to the brain requires 20 minutes to eat slowly means that Digest will be faster and will prevent the symptoms of bloating or gas.

6. avoid eating white bread as cause yeast in bread puff in the abdomen.

7. avoid adding salt to your food because it causes the detention of water within the body.

8. no need to starve yourself to not eat a food affect the blood sugar level, which will make you eat a lot in the next meal.

9. make sure to eat 3 meals a day plus two snacks and light evening meal, eat a dish of salad or soup.
