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The best and most popular types of dieting to lose weight quickly and easily..... (part 2) by Sarah, &saraxarin

Diet for quick weight loss
The best and most popular types of dieting to lose weight quickly and easily

Diet for quick weight loss
Successfully applying this system many people obese people, from the most famous Mexican Manuel Yury "which weighs 560 kg in 2008, and in February of this year weighing about 200 kg. Which means that it has lost about 360 kg of weight within four years, and is still trying to lose weight more.

Third: diet vegetarians

Vegetarian diet

There are many types of vegetation, including dieting diet yogurt and is allowed to eat yogurt only as a source of animal, there diet of eggs and milk and relies on eggs and milk as animal sources only with not eating any other animal food. Also, there is a system dependent on fish as a source of animal. There is a pure vegetarian. There are many recent studies have shown that vegetarians weight less than those who ate mainly animal food, next they're least likely to forward more broadly they are longer-lived.

Plant system relies primarily on getting energy from fruits and protein from the beans or some types of animal food is not the main, and the fats from vegetable oils such as olive oil and sunflower.

IV: the Mediterranean diet

Mediterranean food system is one of the most popular types of dieting that started around the world after I noticed several scientific studies of health and bodies of Mediterranean dwellers, especially in Spain and southern Italy, Greece and some Arabic countries including Morocco and Morocco specifically Arab alike.

The Mediterranean diet is a healthy diet types

This system was defined in 1990 by Dr. Walter Willett ", a professor at Harvard Medical School, this system relies on eating fresh vegetables and fruits and using olive oil as the main source of getting fat. Eating dairy products, in particular yoghurt

Fresh white cheese, usually from sheep and goat milk, as well as fish eating moderately and less poultry and less white and less red meat. As well as this system relies on eating legumes, mainly as a source of protein. And alcohol moderately in Northern Mediterranean countries, as there is on southern tables as they are forbidden in the Islamic religion.
