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The best and most popular types of dieting to lose weight easily and fast (part 1)....... by Sarah, &saraxarin

The best and most popular types of dieting to lose weight

The word diet diet which uses synonymous with his famous called "diet". And many of us say this word without knowing the exact meaning, but if we go back to the origin of this word, we find it is taken from the French made of the Latin, which means "life" in Latin. And research in medical dictionaries, the word diet means a medical diet which is applied for the purpose to be achieved. While the word "diet" means human's diet in normal life and does not include certain food systems.

After all, there are some diets and applied around the world, and we are here we will highlight these types briefly famous to identify readers this species first.

Types of dieting to lose weight quickly and easily

First: the Atkins Diet system

This system is the most widely distributed around the world, and has appeared for the first time in 1972. This system is based on the control of insulin levels in our bodies. To simplify this, when dealing with human foods rich in carbohydrates in large quantity, these carbohydrates raise insulin level we have very quickly, and expire as quickly. High insulin in our bodies to store more than eat in the form of energy, and thus, the bodies will consume the energy stored in your body as fat.

This system relies primarily on eating more proteins and very little carbohydrate. This system is divided into four phases, the first phase is the most rigorous phase, where Atkins recommends followed for a period of two weeks, which reduce the carbohydrates consumed to very little, and increase the rate of protein consumption. While the second phase, where the gradual increase of the consumption of carbohydrates and sugars, and the third stage, the human reaches the upper limit of the allowed carbs on Atkins ' system, and the last phase is the phase where you install this system for life.

II: Diet food balance

This system was applied for the first time by the Canadian professor of Biochemistry "B-S". Is a balance diet, where you eat 40% of our food in the form of carbohydrate, and 30% fat and other proteins, like every time we turn in our food. This system is the key idea revolves also around the idea of controlling insulin levels. And depend mainly on the good carbohydrate intake is CARB non-duplicate, and getting fat from foods such as olive oil and avocado fruits and nuts.
