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Classification of nutrient dense fruits and containing a lot of vitamins and minerals, in addition to carbohydrates, the body needs to eat fruit in order to nourish the body and help in losing excess weight through the following ways:

Low-calorie fruit

Tend fruit to lower calorie content, especially rich fruits with water, since it has one cup of diced watermelon at 46 calories only, and grain banana big contains 120 calories, and when you feel hungry prefer to eat fruit as a snack for a low-calorie, which needs the body, to help in weight loss clearly.

Rich in fiber

Reducing calories from one of the keys to lose weight, which increases the feeling of hunger often, but that eating fruits helps to keep the body in a state of satiety, because it contains a high proportion of fiber, Kahtwae one cup of berries on 32% of value daily fiber, which helps in the sense of satiety for a longer period.

Burn fat

Possess some fruits ability to burn body fat, Kajerib grapefruit, where proven study Hopkins and John that women who ate grapefruit, have lost an average 20 pounds, in 13 weeks, without any other change in their diet, in addition to lemon fruit that helps in burning fat and remove toxins.

The fuel for the muscles

The fruit of the ideal sources of fuel which supplies the body with energy, because they contain glucose, which is a key element for the recovery of muscle, and is one of the important things when trying to build muscle to speed up your metabolism in persons.

Meet the needs of the body and Achthaúh sugar

If the people are a fan of sweets and sugar, the fruit is one of the best ways to meet these wonderful lust, as eating a banana, frozen, with ice cream, and other fruits.

Get rid of flatulence

Eating fruits rich in water, is a great way to get rid of the swelling, caused by increased fluid between the cells, which helps to address some types of fruits Kalptikh, to get rid of this excess water through the urine
