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Definition of amino acids essential building blocks of protein in the body in order to do his job properly, so that is divided into twenty amino acid, essential and non-essential, to help the body in maintaining his power, and his youth and his health, and there are amino acids that help you lose excess weight in the body, by treating the cravings stop the appetite, and increase metabolism, and notably the following:


Is one of the amino acids important that help you lose weight, so that reduces the hunger within minutes of consumption, and often there is this acid in powdered whey protein, in addition to its presence in abundance in fish, and beef, and yogurt, and eggs, and broccoli, and soybeans, and green peas, and bananas, and oatmeal.

For phenylalanine

Helps reduce appetite and stimulates the feeling of satiety quickly, so that they can maintain the weight, by speeding up metabolism.

For Kärnten

This acid works to burn fat instead of directly stored in the body as a weight-plus, and also exists in abundance in the beef, and beans, and nuts.


Reduces cravings for sugar, and improves fat burning, in addition to its ability to repair muscle tissue, and Gslah lining of the intestine, for people who suffer from digestive disorders.


The amino acids of the famous, which Mtnaouliha feel calm, in addition to its importance in the production of the hormone serotonin, which helps to eat less, and found in abundance in turkey, and pumpkin, and almonds, and spinach, and bananas, and eggs, and chicken , and oats.


Improves the rate of fat burning in the body, and also helps to reduce cholesterol, and reduce the risk of diabetes, and prevent aging.


This amino acid to prevent fat storage, and reverse weight gain, in addition to its effect on the removal of toxins from the body, because it contains the element sulfur, which helps to cleanse the liver, and detoxify efficiently
