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When you kill a child to adolescence, whether young or girl, it faces many obstacles which stems from the nature of human beings and some of which is originating from outside of the community, where the community looks to teenagers as arrogant and reckless and can not take responsibility, and also believed to adult always that teenagers are ignorant they can not distinguish the mis right, and as for teenagers, they think that they are mature enough to make decisions and they have abilities that qualify them for the independence of their own, in fact there is an exaggeration by the community and by teenagers in these things, and worth mentioning he does not need to be considered for an order on the whole, all personal possess characteristics that distinguish them from others, that the difference in points of view leads to clashes, mostly among teenagers and the community, and to avoid such clashes in the following are some tips that can any girl to take advantage of them.


Often located teenage girls in the mis result of their effort to keep up with their counterparts from the girls, and with the knowledge that most of the girls be aware that such behavior wrong and unacceptable, in fact, should every girl repel such temptations and challenges to maintain their value in the community , where to do the wrong actions can not add anything to the girl or personal interest that is due, but on the contrary, it puts it in an awkward position and she and her family remain as a stain for long periods.


A look at the girls to wear a completely different teen, trying most of the girls wear clothes that make them a model fashion, and in fact, the insistence and seek girls for this makes them display same appearance of impropriety, and so for not knowing enough and the lack of their experience in this matter, and it is worth mentioning that it is not required that the girl's fashion show as a model, but required them to appear worthy of it and show its beauty even if using the simplest clothes.


The overweight nightmare chasing all the girls at all ages, and so trying to teenage girls avoid this early, but follow most of the girls the wrong way, where you always choose foods allocated for fevers WEIGHT LOSS and so because they believe that these foods can make use of them without weight gain, in fact, do not contain these foods only on harmful chemicals and free of essential nutrients and important, and therefore should girls that you choose natural foods and wines that can provide their bodies with nutrients important for the construction of the body, and is worth mentioning that the body of a teenage girl is not complete and needs of these elements on an ongoing basis to avoid diseases and to build a fuller picture of the body.


It is known that young people go through the stage of skin in many twists, as well as the body, where there is a change in the body's hormones, and this shows in the form of acne, the traditional act that the girls are doing this is to hide pimples using skincare and make-up, in fact the use of these chemicals at an early age may expose humans to damage and disease early, and despite the fact that the subject of acne is annoying for everyone, but should girls conviction that the skin will treat themselves when the time comes without the need for each of these products, and also can go for natural ways to fight this pimples if necessary.

Emotional ties

The relationship between the boys and girls at an early age and flooded wild atmosphere of friendship without discrimination between the sexes, but when the parties teen feels both parties and attracted the attention of a different and exciting, where both discover new feelings have never dealt with, but that most of these feelings immature and disappear with ease, and this is what you must understand is girls, and so as not to get involved in a romantic relationship at an early age can destroy her love life in the future, where there are many young reckless and immature enough to commit such relations, and the result of separation and exposure to many psychological and emotional problems, and so you must wait for the girl a good time to start such relationships.
