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Characterized by the girl most likely ashamed, so the establishment of a girls talking to a young man she likes in order to build a relationship is difficult, especially in the case had been the girl's refusal before, but is worth mentioning that there are many reasons that a girl could do harm appreciation and pay the young man's refusal , and often these reasons are not related to the character of the girl or form, but rather the way in which the matter has been thrown out and some other aspects, and what are some of these reasons.


Often the girl be fully informed on the personal details of the young man and his life, and it stems from the interest in it, and mostly looked at the life of a young girl when their presence in the same place of work or study with him, and the girl believes that the mere knowledge of and interest in him means that he knows and cares about them, and therefore of interest to the girl to talk with the young man and asked out together or talking about the desire to set up a relationship, in such situations may refuse the young man asked the girl for her lack of knowledge sufficient.

Way to talk or demand

In general when you talk to someone for the first time, or to put something serious, not all methods are valid for an interview, where there are some controls that one must abide by, and thus have a girl has to avoid rejection by creating a way appropriate to talk with the young man, should not be Ptaala to speak or weakness, and also do not have to tend to the serious nature of the conversation or humor, but must talk to the girl poise.

Attention to other girl

Has exposed some of the girls to impose when the young man interested girl again, and this cross is tough on the girls, but in order to avoid the girl that shock them to think about it in advance and try to accept it, and is worth mentioning that when a young fan girl, it does not mean that hates all the other girls, but he preferred to be with those that have not feelings, and this is normal.

An embarrassing situation

The choice of time and the right place to talk with the young man about such topics, one of the most important aspects that should the girl be taken into account, it can be for some young people to accept to talk about emotional things during his stay among his friends, but there are some young people who prefer secrecy, and prefer not to post their personal lives with others, and thus have the girl looking for acceptance, to find the place and the right time to talk with the young man where you want.
