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Attention must also mobile devices Orthodontic regularly and periodically, due to remain in the mouth for a long time. The way they are by a toothbrush and toothpaste to clean machine parts, especially the palps of the palate and gums. It is also possible soaked in a special solution, such as those used with dental prostheses animated, with the need to make sure before you use this type of cleaning by the orthodontist, because there are solutions may not fit with the combination device calendar, and possibly lead to the erosion of the metal used in it. It should also be noted not to use hot water to clean Orthotics because it may lead to a change in the size of the device and thus to sabotage, should also be put in the box allocated to it when not in use.

Problems related to orthodontic * are usually due to negligence in following the instructions in dental care, as it is already mentioned as requiring extreme care by the patient more than any other person does not have orthodontic appliances.

With the presence of orthodontic appliances, you must also choose healthy foods that do not lead to an increase in the proportion of dental caries, or eat solid foods or sticky foods such as some types of sweets, for example, or chewing gum because it may affect the orthotic devices, and in some cases to fall in addition to the foods that contain a high percentage of sugars, which makes it easier, of course, be Altsusat.

It also abound gingivitis with a calendar, where the gums more sensitive especially with the presence of wires and stabilizers Calendar Add to negligence in cleaning the teeth and about the hardware, this is advised visit periodic specialist cleaning teeth to remove layers of lime at least twice a year. It should be noted that in the case and there are no spaces between the teeth, it is during orthodontic treatment may cover dental gums dramatically, and this naturally with the movement of the teeth to fill the voids. In some cases, the situation requires surgery to reshape gums and remove the excess. Another problem also, there are sores in the mouth, and this is also normal, especially at the beginning of the development of organs calendar, because the soles of your mouth be bruised and ulcerated with a wire, for this patient is given Hima special placed on parts of the device causing soreness or pain. If the observed worsening of the problem, with the presence of hemorrhage in the tissues of the mouth, and do not bear the pain, you should review the clinic to find out why and correct it quickly.

In the case of the presence of disease in the body, such as those that affect the state of the bone, it should take caution when orthodontic treatment, as cases of sugar, for example, diseases and osteoporosis. For patients with diabetes, in particular, abound to have periodontal infections and abscesses in addition to increasing the proportion of bone erosion, for this you must make sure that the patient is regularly taking medication for the treatment of diabetes and gum cleaning constantly.

For patients with osteoporosis, the problem lies in the drugs used to treat the disease, which are often influential in the important factor for the movement of teeth during orthodontic treatment. In this case, you should consult a specialist bones about the possibility of changing the drug for another type does not affect the orthodontic treatment
