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Just Starting Out Exercising?

Just, Starting,  Exercising

Have you just decided it's time to start exercising and working? Fantastic! Although the idea of formatting can feel like an overwhelming task, knowing that even the most out of shape person has the potential to make an improvement and the development of a healthy lifestyle.

I was in the same situation about 2 years ago. Thank you to a trip to my doctor, I learned that weighs a whopping 294 pounds, which was a clear sign for me it was time to get off the couch, put the soda down, and start exercising .

A note of caution, be sure to consult your doctor and inform him / her of your exercise program. Safety is of the utmost importance to start slow and careful approach to exercise.

At first, it can be extremely difficult to get motivated to move again. Your mind can think of many excuses to try to convince you to stay stuck where you are. These are thoughts and notions should ignore.

By developing the habit of regular exercise, you will understand that development is not something that only a few weeks, then stop completely. You will notice that the exercise is simply part of a healthy life. So when you really develop the habit of exercise, you will look forward to work on 3-5 times a week.

Remember, sitting on the couch, overeating and not exercising are probably the culprits who helped put you in the state where it is today. Time to change everything around and start working came.

Just so you know, two years ago never exercised. These days I play tennis twice a week, running with my dog ​​three times a week before work, and I'm not even going to a local Bootcamp class twice a week. The best part of it all is that I love my exercise time. I really hope my workouts today.

But this was not always the case.

When I started, I would get some tired around a few blocks and has struggled to make 3 simple push ups. I made a commitment, even if I felt lazy and lethargic to stick to my plan.

Slowly but surely, I went to walk a mile, two miles, then 3 and 4. After I started running for 15 minutes at first, then 30, 45, then an hour. I also worked on my upper body push-ups, squats, light weights for my arms, shoulders and back.

After a few months ago, I was getting into better shape and my endurance was improving, I started to change its activities. This is when the fun really started and why I am able to do many more activities now taking the time to start exercising slowly but surely.

Point of the matter is that starting exercise is a process. Formatting is not something that will happen overnight or even after a couple of weeks. However, if you stick to a specific exercise regime gradually over time you will see changes happening. After 3-5 months of constant dedication you will be amazed at the new skills you have acquired, and the new constitution that has developed.

Gregory L. Gomez, LAUSD teacher who is also underway to develop a healthy lifestyle in an effort to lose weight and get in shape. Follow your progress as you fight to lose nearly 100 pounds by eating healthy and maintaining a consistent exercise routine. Get a free monthly newsletter with healthy choices healthy diet Ebook visit .
